Japan Stocks

Hotline: (852) 3890 0638


Japan Exchange Group (JPX) was established via business combination between Tokyo Exchange Group (TSE Group) and Osaka securities Exchange (OSE) on January 1, 2013. TOPIX and NIKKEI 225 are major index as benchmark for investment in Japanese stocks. TOPIX included all the domestic common stocks listed on the TSE First Section, calculated by the type of free float adjusted market capitalization weighted and expressed units of base point. Nikkei 225 is a price weighted equity index, which consists of 225 stocks in the First section of the TSE. It expressed units of yen(¥).


Important Notes for Japan stock Trading:

1. By holding a Bright Smart securities account, one can trade for Japan shares

2. In addition to the normal commission rates, please refer to the fee schedule of the Global Securities

3. The number of stocks in each lot is different for different stocks. Trading lot has 1,5,100,1000,2000 or more shares respectively

4. Trading settlement on T+3

5. Mainly settled in Yen dollar

6. Orders of japan stocks stars at 7:45am, but there is no auction order

7. Trading hours are from
8:00 am to 10:30 am (morning period)
11:30 am to 14:00 pm (afternoon period)

8. With paperless escrow services (but not physical stock deposit & withdrawal), for related charges, please refer to the fee schedule of the Global Securities

9. No margin services

10. No odd lots trade services

11. For Japan Stock Code, please refer to our Chinese version website in Global Securities > Global Equity Search > Market choices in Japan > search by Company name/ Code

Related Links:

Tokyo Stock Exchange

Osaka securities Exchange

Japan Stock quote (Delay quote)
http://www.tse.or.jp/english/listing/index.html (*Search by the stock's full name or code)
or http://finance.yahoo.co.jp/

Company Announcements
https://www.release.tdnet.info/inbs/I_main_00.html (Japanese)
https://www.release.tdnet.info/index_e.html (English)


Global Products Hotline: 

Telephone:(852) 3890 0638





Account Opening Online Customer Service
Account Opening Online Customer Service